A record was created to outline costs and a subjective risk profile for each. This formed a starting point for a more thorough review. As part of the bidding process, the Business Aspect specialists made suggestions on ways that the OCDO’s initial plan could be improved to achieve a more useful outcome.
Getting all participants on board proved vital to the success of the project, paving the way to capitalise on each CIO’s departmental knowledge. Aided by OCDO’s preparatory work, workshop participants viewed the current state of technology across the ACT Government and then were guided through a carefully prepared process to agree on a desired future state of technology investment.
“When we started, we had grouped the top 30 projects, but we were able to narrow this down to a handful of strategic themes for investment.”
After assessing each initiative using the ranking system, the scores were discussed and adjusted by the group until consensus was reached. The outcome resulted in agreed priorities for investment in large scale digital transformation initiatives that will see the citizens of the ACT experience a modern, efficient public service.
“Business Aspect’s biggest strengths were their seniority, experience, methodology, and judgement.”
What we achieved
Gaining consensus within organisations with diverse interests can be difficult, but ultimately the CIOs and executives involved each brought a passion to offer a strong digital experience to the ACT community. Business Aspect designed and facilitated a series of one-on-one meetings and group workshops, providing everything from intellectual property to visual aids, to harness the knowledge and vision of the group.